Survive and be ALIVE!

I am Czachi Menor-Reyes, I wanted to write that I am a depression survivor but I can’t. I was so busy and after my son broke the TV I have no access in the news today. I just learned that Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade died today. Both committed suicide. Who will thought that someone … Continue reading Survive and be ALIVE!

Defenseless and Pain

I am defenseless Under a broken trust I wanna run away, never say goodbye Truth can never give me freedom I will always be alone I will always be defenseless I always wonder why But even I know the answer It will not make a difference I have survived lies Shut the doors for freedom … Continue reading Defenseless and Pain

An open letter for my son

If mommy could just turn back time, I'll make things right for you baby.. If mommy can just turn back time, I'll start all over again for you my son.. If mommy can just turn back time to give you happy memories only, I'll do it for you my child..  But mommy is only human, … Continue reading An open letter for my son

A heart full of anger

You are too weak to tell in front of me the things you wanted to say and I wanted to hear. You are such a baby! You cannot walk on your own! Are you just afraid to tell the truth or to hurt me?! You have caused me too much pain!  Time, space and freedom … Continue reading A heart full of anger

No words can express the pain

After seeing you today.. Felt the distance and coldness.. It echoed to my ears the separation you wanted.. it reminded me the rejection.. the time when I found out the reality.. yet here you are to blame it all to me.. why I look like always to be the villain in your eyes.. No words … Continue reading No words can express the pain

Emotional battle 

You may think that I am a good wife. I receive a lot of messages of encouragement, admirations and support. I must confess, the emotional battle that I am going through is not easy. The depression is up and down. There are dark moments and lighter days. And no! I am not a good wife. … Continue reading Emotional battle 

The art of letting go

I don't have anything to share.. my mind gets tired of thinking.. my heart healed (in a way). I have accepted the fact that it's over. I am tired of living in the past.. I am tired of listening to all of your lies..  For the past 17 years, I thought we were just fine. … Continue reading The art of letting go

The prayers from a rejected wife

  Every day I send my husband a prayer, words of encouragement or a picture of a page in a book which affirm his inner strength and spirit. I will always believe that he is a good man. He may be lost and confused but I am his wife to save him. Perhaps you are … Continue reading The prayers from a rejected wife